Tuesday 21 June 2011

Children's Birthday parties and alcoholism

Although I had not planned it this way, my children's birthday parties seem to come with copious amounts of alcohol. I assume that my thinking is entertain the adults as well as the kids.

This past Sunday my daughter had her 5th birthday party. We hired the biggest bouncy castle we could find, ordered 3 dozen homemade cupcakes, ordered pizzas, hung helium balloons and had pink party bags full of fabulous plastic bits that will get stuck in hoovers for years to come. It also came with a case of champagne, a case of white wine and a case of beer. By the end of the night we had one birthday girl in tears of exhaustion, one neighbour climbing the wall to get to home, one aunty who had lost the ability to speak and an entire 'lost and found' pile including handbags, coats, jumpers and shoes.
Plus I got an 'i am sorry I was drunk' email from one of the mothers the next day.

My mom tells the story of my 2nd or 3rd birthday when she and my dad hosted a 'pink' party. Everything was pink and they made one pitcher of pink lemonade for the kids and one pitcher of boozy pink punch (now referred to as Pink Panty Pull Downs) for the adults. According to my mother after the first round of 'juice' was served she lost track of which pitcher held which beverage and there was most certainly some tipsy toddlers running around. So maybe i come by this naturally.

I think I only have one party mode. So when it is a kids party – through in a bouncy castle and some cupcakes and we are there.


  1. Was I 'That Girl' ...?

  2. I wish I had been at this party. I really think the pairing of cupcakes and champagne is brilliant.
