Friday 17 June 2011

more 17 June 2011

Did I mention that last weekend was my birthday? I always have high expectations for my birthday that are always dashed by something silly. This year - none of my gifts had arrived yet. To be clear - they still haven't arrived a week later. This is attached to the fact that my husband REFUSES to shop and orders everything on line and is then REALLY surprised when it takes much longer than expected.

Anyway - on Sunday, day post-birthday, we go to the inlaws to spend the day. We are meant to be picking strawberries, but clearly the farm is out of strawberries. Right. Like not one strawberry. Weird.

So we end up taking the kids to a god-awful indoor play place because it is a cold and raining - it is June after all and we are in the UK. So after that, we go back to the Inlaws where we do all the crazy things that we normally do there - drink wine, eat, take random naps, watch Teletubbies (this is clearly a tradition that my 4 year old will not give up - we will probably be watching that f-ing video (not DVD) when she is 24.)

Anyway - my father-in-law is the quintessential father-in-law. He comes complete with dad jokes, candy that makes the children's teeth fall out on contact, and endless patience for board games and coloring books and ping pong with small people who take forever to play or finish any of these things. He is also always right and has never met a stranger. You could leave him alone for 30 seconds in desert and when you came back he would have made friends with the only bedouin within 100 miles.

So - to get on with the funny bit. Father in law and I got to chatting over our second bottle of lunch-wine when he started tell me about 'that singer who was evicted from America for going to Muhammadism.' I had to immeadiately leave the room to find a piece of paper to write that down. It was that good. Muhammadism? Amanzing. I will also let Cat Stevens know ASAP. I this same bottle of wine, he also came out with 'rockin' it', 'smoochey dances', and 'porn'. It was a good bottle of wine. He isn't always full of such good material.

1 comment:

  1. My Dad is like that, though with less patience or interest in grandkids. I have no idea, actually, why my parents had kids. I don't think either of them likes kids. But my Dad loves to stand around with random people in the airport and tell them about his latest adventures at the casino riverboat.
