Thursday 13 October 2011

my 1 follower

I have 1 follower. 1 person who has actively said they will follow my blog. I know who she is and I love her big style.

This is cool with me. Don't really want TONS of people following me around. That would be a bit creepy. I just like that I have 1 person that might check up on me sometimes if they have a spare few minutes. I don't even know if my husband knows I do this. I have told him a few times, but as he says:

'Did you ring the bell? How do I know what to pay attention to if you don't ring the bell?'

That is basically his way of saying that I talk too much and he would be happy to remember important stuff, but I have to indicate that it is important.

Anyway, my 1 follower. Feels kind of like Jesus in the early days, before he became like the Elvis of 'long long time ago'. Not that I am expecting to wake up one day and have a religious following. Not at all. Think I will just keep my 1, because that way, it isn't too much to keep up with.

When you have 1 kid, you think...this is great, we should have more of these! And then you do. And then you and your other half end up having coctails at the end of the night and thinking fondly back to when it was just you and the 1 small person and how easy that was. You wouldn't change the way it is now, but you affectionately remember those days before you got greedy for more.

I think that is why I like having just 1 follower. When I write, it is kind of for her. She is the one that has encouraged me to do this anyway, so maybe it can kind of be like a secret club. Just me scribbling down things when something funny happens and her reading them when she has time.
And my husband vaguely aware that his wife is tapping away at the keyboard but not remembering why.

1 comment:

  1. I think tonight I am going to sit down with Colin and a cocktail and hearken back to when we just had the one... oh.

    I love this 1 follower of yours... s/he sounds very interesting and attractive and could even have a vagina bag!

    I think you should get Alex a t-shirt with an actual doorbell on it... wait I am going to go look on Amazon to see if they have those. ... They don't. Poop.

    I am thinking of getting these bi-state awesome t-shirts for ALL the kids for Christmas. Would Claudette like one?
